MBBS Year 2 SSC: Transplantation Sciences (SSC110)

The aims of the SSC are to discuss some of the fundamental, clinical and scientific aspects underlying successful organ transplantation. These include: the availability of organs, the place of organ donation and organ preservation prior to surgery; the immunological basis for transplant rejection, the approaches currently available to prevent/delay transplant rejection and how the science behind rejection may guide the establishment of full transplant tolerance in the future. In addition the course will touch upon the ethics and logistics of how transplantation is organised in the UK and will discuss the prevalent ideas of how organ transplantation may proceed into the 21stcentury. Objectives:  To comprehend, assess, and voice your own opinions on: 1. The history of transplantation and where we are in the 2020s; 2. The role of organ procurement and preservation and the molecular challenges in organs removed from the body; 3. The impacts of the immune system on transplantation and how these may be mitigated4. Current practice and ethics of organ donation, organ procurement and preservation, surgical and anaesthetic challenges - perspectives from the multi-disciplinary team.