SEES0105: Politics of South-Eastern Europe (21/22)

Course description: The seminar examines politics in the states of Southeast Europe since the demise of Communist regimes in the region. Particular attention will be given to the wars of Yugoslav succession and the regimes that participated in them. Topics may also include, but are not limited to: international administrations in Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina, international and domestic initiatives to promote political and institutional reform, war crimes and transitional justice, organised crime and corruption, and initiatives for reconciliation and regional cooperation. A major emphasis of the material is on the relation of political change to economic and social factors. The seminar material uses analyses from history, sociology, anthropology and political science to understand ongoing phenomena and new developments in the region, not all of which can be anticipated at the beginning of the term. In that spirit, students are expected to maintain an awareness of events in the region, both by following news media and by their own explorations of the literature. In that sense, the required reading may be thought of only as a sampling, and students will be expected to read more broadly. For the same reasons, readings may be changed as the course progresses.